Bio Ethanol Fireplace

In this beginner’s guide to a bio-ethanol fireplace, we’ll cover everything you need to know before undertaking this sustainable renovation to your home.

We’ll discuss bioethanol fuel, the different fireplace designs, safety considerations, how to use and maintain your fireplace, and the costs involved.

With the information in this guide, you can decide if a bioethanol fireplace is right for your space and confidently select, install, and care for your new ethanol fireplace.

Bioethanol Fire by June Grinstead

What Is Bio-Ethanol Fuel

Bio-ethanol fuel is a liquid alcohol fuel derived from a renewable resource of organic materials like corn and sugar cane.

These contemporary fireplaces don’t require utility connections like gas or electricity; the fuel source is fully self-contained in an easy-to-store container unlike a wood burning fireplace.

Bioethanol fires also don’t need flues or chimneys to vent exhaust gases and emit no smoke; only steam and carbon dioxide are the byproducts.

Therefore, if the fireplace is inside a room, like any other fireplace, there must be a minimum of fresh air to prevent carbon dioxide build-up.

Which means they can be installed virtually anywhere, indoors or outdoors. Clean-burning ethanol fuel fireplaces have a carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative footprint.

And since bioethanol fuel can be sustainably produced, it offers a renewable fuel source.

With their modern design, smokeless fire, and eco-friendly fuel, bioethanol fires are appealing for adding ambiance and warmth to a space.

Modern Blaze Fireplaces

This online store is a good place to start in your search for the perfect modern ethanol fireplace.

The Help Centre is packed with information on Ideas, Trends, Shopping Guides, and Installation of their fires.

Customer reviews will give you the confidence you need to purchase from them. Many customer photos will give you great ideas and inspiration to customize your fire.

With Free Returns, easy Payment Options, and competitive prices, you can enjoy your new Bioethanol Fire in no time.

Types of Bio-Ethanol Fireplaces and Ideal Locations

Whether seeking a sleek and modern focal point or aiming to recreate a traditional fireplace’s cozy ambiance and heat, the wide array of bioethanol fireplace designs offers an environmentally friendly solution to fit virtually any style and space.

Built-In Fireplaces Indoors and Outside

Built in ethanol fireplace

One popular type of bio-ethanol fireplace is the built-in or insert model.

These fireplaces are designed to be permanently installed into an existing recessed area or opening, much like a traditional wood-burning fireplace insert.

They can turn an unused area into a beautiful and functional feature, adding warmth and ambiance. They look great with interior decor, such as wall paneling or solid stone facades.

Built-in models are perfect for any living room, bedroom, or home office – anywhere a permanent, integrated fireplace installation is desired.

Free-Standing Fires That Can Be Placed Almost Anywhere

Freestanding bioethanol fireplaces are self-contained units designed to stand alone without being built into surrounding structures.

Their portability is a major advantage, as they can be easily situated almost anywhere indoors or outdoors.

Freestanding models are perfect for living rooms, bedrooms, and patios, and even businesses can benefit from a freestanding unit’s warmth and ambiance.

Their compact footprint allows freestanding bioethanol fireplaces to be placed along walls, in corners, or as space-dividing elements between rooms.

Fitted Or Portable Tabletop Fires

Tabletop ethanol fire
tabletop fire

Tabletop models offer a mini fireplace that can be moved and located on virtually any surface for those seeking a more compact and portable bioethanol fire solution.

With zero installation required, just set a tabletop bioethanol fireplace down in the perfect location to create an instant focal point and source of warmth.

Tabletop bioethanol fireplaces come in various interesting designs – from simple cylindrical burners to sculptural pieces, including metal, stone, or glass.

Their small size makes them ideal for end tables, coffee tables, kitchen islands, outdoor patios, or even as an eye-catching centerpiece on a dining table.

Simple To Install Wall Mounted Fires

ethanol fire
wall fireplace

These slim, lightweight units are securely mounted flush against interior or exterior walls, taking up minimal floor space.

Their compact profile and clean, ventless operation make them ideal for smaller rooms like bedrooms, home offices, hallways, or bathrooms with limited floor space.

Wall bioethanol fires can also enhance outdoor living spaces by mounting them on patio or deck walls to enjoy the warmth and glow.

Strategically placed along a blank wall, built into an entertainment center, or used as a room divider, wall bioethanol fireplaces provide design flexibility to add character and visual interest almost anywhere.

Outdoor Fireplaces and Fire Pits

Outdoor fires

Bioethanol fireplaces are for more than indoor use.

Outdoor bioethanol fire pits are crafted from weather-resistant materials like stainless steel, aluminum, or concrete to withstand the elements.

Patios, decks, poolside areas, and outdoor kitchens are all ideal locations to incorporate an outdoor bioethanol fireplace.

Fire pits provide warmth for cooler evenings and create a natural gathering spot for entertaining.

More portable tabletop versions can easily be moved around as needed.

More permanent built-in or freestanding units become a stunning focal point within an outdoor living room or conversational seating area.

Contemporary Hanging Fires Making A Strong Statement

This is an AI Image created with Mid Journey, but achieving it may be possible if you can dream it.

For a truly unique fireplace installation, hanging or suspended bioethanol models offer a dramatic focal point when mounted from the ceiling.

These specialized units are designed with sturdy frames and mounting hardware to safely hang the fireplace, allowing the flames to be showcased in the center of a room.

Their freestanding nature allows 360-degree viewing, making them well-suited as a room divider or centerpiece.

Ideal locations include open-concept living spaces, dining room, loft-style homes, large entryways, and lobbies or lounge areas in commercial settings.

Choosing the right size and style based on ceiling height and viewing distances is key.

With proper installation following all safety guidelines, a hanging bioethanol fireplace provides a breathtaking, modern fireplace feature that draws the eye upwards.

How Expensive Is Bioethanol Fuel

Bioethanol fuel is generally more expensive than traditional gas, wood logs, or other common fireplace fuels.

Prices vary widely based on your location and the specific brand or supplier, but expect to pay somewhere between $3 and $8 per liter of fuel on average.

A typical bioethanol fire will burn through about 0.5L of fuel per hour. So, for 4 hours of burn time, you’d use around 2L of fuel, costing $6-$16 in fuel alone. Which varies greatly depending on the size of the fuel burner.

Throughout a winter season, burning it a few hours every week, fuel costs could easily run into the hundreds of dollars.

Bulk purchasing of fuel and shopping around for competitive prices can help manage costs.

But bioethanol is a premium fuel that comes at a higher price than firewood or other options.

Customizing Your Ethanol Fire

With the wide array of styles, sizes, and installation options available, bioethanol fireplaces offer virtually endless opportunities to customize one that perfectly suits your tastes and specific space.

Bioethanol Fireplace Components

A built-in bioethanol fireplace requires either an existing fireplace opening or a new one and can be created virtually anywhere by building a firebox into a structural design of your choice, such as a wall, media wall, or anything you can imagine.

The firebox is a fire-resistant container for the burner, which stores the bioethanol fuel.

Ethanol grate kits are designed for existing fireplaces; the existing wood-burning stove or grate is replaced with a kit of your choice.

The Firebox
Fireplace Openings

Fireboxes come in all different sizes and a wide range of designs.

They generally are stainless steel or black finish and can create a standard one-sided opening, two-sided, or even three-sided.

Ethanol Burners

At the heart of every bioethanol fireplace is the burner – a specialized tray or reservoir designed to safely and efficiently hold the bioethanol fuel while it burns, allowing the clean flames to be showcased within the fireplace’s decorative surround or firebox.

Many modern bioethanol burners offer smart control features like adjustable flame height, integrated timers, and eye-catching flame effects created by incorporating materials like ceramic wool or unique tray shapes to produce mesmerizing flame patterns and movements.

Ethanol Burner

Ethanol Grate Kits

Ethanol grate kits or fireplace inserts provide the perfect solution for transforming an existing wood-burning or natural gas fireplace into a clean-burning bioethanol model.

Allowing you to install specialized bioethanol burners and accompanying fireproof materials within the existing firebox opening.

Ethanol Grate Kit

Benefits of Bioethanol Fires Compared With Wood-Burning Stoves

However, it may still be the better option for many because of the many benefits compared to burning wood.

Easy To Use

  • The ethanol fuel is poured out of a bottle rather than the need to chop wood and needs less storage space.
  • Pull a lever and close the burner; the fire is extinguished, and the remaining fuel is ready for use the next time you want it.

Burns Cleanly

  • There is no mess to clear up afterward, producing minimal particulate emissions, soot, or smoke.

Heat Control

  • The heat output is not overpowering, which you do not need for a secondary heat source; the heat output is easy to control.

Environmentally Friendly

  • Bioethanol is a renewable fuel source derived from plant materials like corn, sugar cane, etc. This makes it a much more sustainable option compared to fossil fuels.

No Vent Required

  • Bioethanol fires require no utility connections, venting, flues, or chimneys.
  • The fuel is self-contained, allowing the fireplace to be placed almost anywhere.

Versatile Design

  • Bioethanol fires come in freestanding, wall-mounted, or built-in models, offering flexible installation options.
  • Due to the lower heat output, they can be part of a media wall with minimal constraints.
  • Designs range from sleek and modern to traditional-looking fireboxes, complementing any decor style.
  • Portable models can easily move from room to room or indoors to outdoors.

Safety Considerations When Choosing A Bioethanol Fuel Fires

There are several key safety considerations to keep in mind when choosing and using a bioethanol fireplace:

Fuel Handling and Storage

  • Only use bio-ethanol fuel specifically designed and approved for fireplace use. Avoid additives or contaminants.
  • Store any extra fuel properly in clearly marked, closed containers away from heat sources, children, and pets.
  • Follow proper refueling procedures – never overfill the burner reservoir, and immediately clean up any spilled fuel.

Clearance Around Fire Places and Fire Pits

  • Maintain adequate clearance distances from walls, furniture, and other combustibles as specified by the manufacturer. Bioethanol does produce heat.
  • Don’t place flammable materials like curtains, rugs, or magazines too close to the fireplace.
  • Keep a safety perimeter clear of objects that could fall into or against the fireplace while in use.


  • While bioethanol fireplaces don’t produce smoke, they emit low carbon dioxide levels. Proper ventilation is important for indoor use.
  • Never use a bioethanol fireplace in a small enclosed space without ventilation.
  • Open a window or door slightly while the fireplace is in use.


  • Never leave a lit bioethanol fireplace unattended or within reach of children or pets.
  • Allow the fireplace to fully cool before refilling the fuel reservoir. Hot surfaces can ignite spilled fuel.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher or sand on hand to extinguish the flame if necessary.

You can enjoy the ambiance while mitigating risks by selecting a quality bioethanol fireplace model from a reputable manufacturer and following safety protocols for use, ventilation, construction, fuel handling, and maintaining clearances.

Installing A Bioethanol Fires

Site Preparation

  • Choose a location that meets the clearance requirements for walls, furniture, etc., specified by the fireplace manufacturer; manufacture requirements vary.
  • Bioethanol fireplaces produce some heat, so they must be placed away from flammable materials.
  • For wall-mounted units, ensure the wall structure can handle the weight and use appropriate anchors.


  • Read all instructions thoroughly before assembly. Bioethanol fireplace kits often have relatively simple assembly.
  • Some floor models may need to be placed on top of a protective floor mat or non-flammable surface.
  • Per the manufacturer’s guidelines, install any glass panels, decorative fireboxes, burner trays, etc..

Fuel Reservoir

  • Insert the fuel reservoir correctly, ensuring the burner tray sits properly into its frame.
  • Fill the reservoir slowly and carefully with the recommended bioethanol fuel, following capacity limits exactly. Never overfill.

Final Checks

  • Double-check all assembly steps were followed precisely according to the instruction manual.
  • Ensure the fireplace is level and secured as necessary for wall-mounted units.
  • Keep combustible materials at the specified clearance distances away from the unit.

First Ignition

  • Light the bioethanol following the manufacturer’s guidelines using a long match or lighter.
  • Allow the fireplace to complete an initial burn cycle to cure sealants and coatings.
  • Monitor closely the first few times to ensure proper and expected operation.

You can safely install a bioethanol fireplace in your home or outdoor space by taking the time for proper site prep, careful assembly and installation, and closely following all manufacturer instructions.

Maintaining An Ethanol Burner

Maintaining a bioethanol fireplace is relatively simple compared to wood-burning models.

Start by only using the correct fuel – bioethanol approved for use in fireplaces and free of adulterants or additives.

Follow refueling instructions precisely, ensuring the fuel reservoir is never overfilled. Wipe up any spilled fuel immediately with a dry cloth.

Inspect the fireplace regularly for signs of wear, damage, or leaks.

The burner should be cleaned periodically by removing the spent bioethanol from the reservoir and wiping down surfaces with a damp cloth.

Corrosion inhibitors may be added per manufacturer instructions to prevent premature wear.

The fuel reservoir should be drained of any remaining bioethanol if not used for an extended period.

Most importantly, always follow the specific maintenance guidelines outlined by your fireplace’s manufacturer to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Most fires have a protective glass surround, which can easily been cleaned with a household glass cleaner.

With proper care and cleaning, a quality bioethanol fireplace can provide years of reliable, ambient warmth.

Final Note

Bioethanol fireplaces offer a modern, eco-friendly, and versatile way to enjoy the cozy ambiance of flickering flames in nearly any indoor or outdoor space.

The clean-burning bioethanol fuel provides a sustainable heat source that is easy to use, maintain, and refuel.

While the upfront cost of a quality bioethanol fireplace is higher than some alternatives, its design flexibility and ability to incorporate it into architectural features make it an excellent investment for new construction and remodel projects.

Consider a stylish bioethanol fireplace as a centerpiece feature when budgeting for a home addition or major renovation.

Their undeniable ambiance and minimal installation requirements make them well worth the expenditure to elevate your new or refreshed space to a warm and inviting living environment.

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